Site and residence
Block A, 2nd floor (new building), Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava
Opening hours
You may find current opening hours here:
Usual opening hours:
- Teaching period: Mon - Thu from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Fri from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m., Sat and Sun closed
- Examination period: Mon - Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Sat and Sun closed
- Holidays and public holidays: closed
Loans 12.00-13.00h. Loans can be returned during throughout the opening hours.
News and information
The latest news you may find on
Most frequently used SCHK services
Online catalogue
Access to the SCHK OPAC catalogue
In the OPAC catalogue of SCHK, you can search and reserve titles for borrowing and then pick them up at the SCHK services desk. There you can check and extend your due dates and loan periods. Searching the catalogue does not require logging in. However, booking requests, account status checks, extensions and other operations already require logging in. Use the university login to access.
![]() Digital library Access to the eStudy digital library The eStudy service provides the students with the digitized study material that is necessary for studying with a computer or phone. You can easily navigate the digitized material, quickly find the necessary articles, write notes on each important piece of information or underline it. In the eStudy service pages, it is necessary to enter a personal university login and password. Some of the documents are also available for free study without the need to log in. |
Faculty repository
Access to studyCloud
The studyCloud service provides a live working storage, where you can save everything that you put on a USB stick. The online access making your documents available anywhere using just a web browser is a very important difference. Plus, working with documents is very efficient - they can be shared with other students, borrowed, browsed, played directly in this service, downloaded.
![]() Helpdesk Access to Helpdesk FCHPT On the FCHPT Helpdesk pages, you may enter your request for technical assistance and various information. In the Knowledge Database, you will find answers to frequently asked questions, we will direct you to solutions to your IT problems, and you will also find detailed instructions for working with information systems and software. After logging into the system, you can enter your requests, and you can also view all communications and the archive in one place. |
Detailed information on
SCHK publishes and prints mainly non-periodical publications: monographs, textbooks, scripts, study texts and materials, scientific and professional collections and theses, leaflets, promotional materials. We also provide printing services for other publishers and individuals, especially printing and binding of theses, non-periodical and periodical publications and other printed materials.
![]() Final exam works Detailed information on SCHK provides students with printing and binding of theses for their own use. |